Huh, just last week I stumbled upon a 2012 newspaper item about a (then) 29 year old ex JW who enjoyed couch surfing very much (too).
Was that you by any chance? :-)
i often come across jw's using the "worldwide brotherhood" as one of the reasons to justify that jw's have "the truth.
" such a brotherhood, they claim, would not exist outside the organisation because there is no way that people of different religions, nationalities, races, cultures, backgrounds, languages etc.
can be united and associate together freely without "the truth!".
Huh, just last week I stumbled upon a 2012 newspaper item about a (then) 29 year old ex JW who enjoyed couch surfing very much (too).
Was that you by any chance? :-)
as the newly expanded convention hall in swifterbant is now in use, the only other jw convention hall in the netherlands is now for sale.. (congreshal means convention center).. note the links to the brooklyn and ibsa garage sales at the bottom of the page..
@Blondie: afaik caretakers still live on premises for the halls here. Not sure about the one being sold though, never been there. Looking at the pictures on the website there appears to be an apartment at the corner of the building.
The Netherlands have never been a good field for Watchtower to harvest in having one of the worst ratios of publishers to population in the western world. Too many tulips and not enough wheat.
I dunno...I always thought we had more than enough weed here :-)
as the newly expanded convention hall in swifterbant is now in use, the only other jw convention hall in the netherlands is now for sale.. (congreshal means convention center).. note the links to the brooklyn and ibsa garage sales at the bottom of the page..
Blondie: most of them. Some living close to Belgium will (have to) go to Belgian conventions.
as the newly expanded convention hall in swifterbant is now in use, the only other jw convention hall in the netherlands is now for sale.. (congreshal means convention center).. note the links to the brooklyn and ibsa garage sales at the bottom of the page..
As the newly expanded convention hall in Swifterbant is now in use, the only other JW convention hall in The Netherlands is now for sale. (congreshal means convention center).
Note the links to the Brooklyn and IBSA garage sales at the bottom of the page.
i picked up bernard cornwell's the pagan lord at the library.
historical fiction set in england after the death of alfred the great.
i'm loving it, especially the between-the-lines wit and sense of timing in cornwell's writing, and the complete badassery of the protagonist.
Reading: Gentile Times Reconsidered.
Tv: Catching up on all seasons of The Walking Dead on meeting nights when the wife is getting her dose of indoctrination.
a couple of years ago, i participated in a thread on this site comparing the old nwt (1984) to the new nwt (2013).
i was able to produce a nwt mash up pdf showing the side-by-side differences between the two versions of the nwt.
herethis site claims it will hold the file for download for a long time.
I have previously harvested the WOL contents from JWOrg. They didn't shut me down :-)
So I guess harvesting PDF will also not be a problem.
a couple of years ago, i participated in a thread on this site comparing the old nwt (1984) to the new nwt (2013).
i was able to produce a nwt mash up pdf showing the side-by-side differences between the two versions of the nwt.
herethis site claims it will hold the file for download for a long time.
Thanks again MMM!
a couple of years ago, i participated in a thread on this site comparing the old nwt (1984) to the new nwt (2013).
i was able to produce a nwt mash up pdf showing the side-by-side differences between the two versions of the nwt.
herethis site claims it will hold the file for download for a long time.
Watchtower 2011-10: evidently they messed up with history and chronology...again.
History changed from
If Ahasuerus was Xerxes I, the money might have made Haman’s offer more appealing. Xerxes lost a fortune in his disastrous war against the Greeks, evidently before his marriage to Esther.
If Ahasuerus was Xerxes I, the money might have made Haman’s offer more appealing. Xerxes needed a vast store of funds to carry out his long-proposed but ultimately disastrous war against Greece.
a couple of years ago, i participated in a thread on this site comparing the old nwt (1984) to the new nwt (2013).
i was able to produce a nwt mash up pdf showing the side-by-side differences between the two versions of the nwt.
herethis site claims it will hold the file for download for a long time.
So after a first quick look, I have to say: very well done! Thanks!
I noted a lot of changes seem to be just spaces and punctuation (e.g. a dot changed into a comma).
Would it be a lot of work to rerun the diff checker while excluding these (almost certainly) meaningless changes?
It would be much easier to find the really interesting changes.
Also, would you be willing to share the wtlib contents you harvested? A lot of interesting analysis could be done on them :-D
PM me if your public response is no ;-)
a couple of years ago, i participated in a thread on this site comparing the old nwt (1984) to the new nwt (2013).
i was able to produce a nwt mash up pdf showing the side-by-side differences between the two versions of the nwt.
herethis site claims it will hold the file for download for a long time.
I have been thinking about doing something like this from quite some time, never got to it.
I'll be studying your result now :-)